Written on 4/11/2014 in Web development

First thoughts

The vorpal story Analysis

You survived the first blog post, so your mind must be made of pure bedrock. Merits aside, I'm glad you're here with me and not reading something else. The previous post had some poetry, some quotes and some celebrity nudity. I'll keep this post short since most of it is not even documented and are mostly thoughts about how The Vorpal blog should be structured.


The easiest way would be to get an endless stream of blog posts and slam it in the reader's face. I like the idea of slamming stuff into people's faces so I've put it on the 'possible' list. On the other hand, I had a pure epiphany of the likes no-one has ever had one. I watch Game of Thrones and in it there's this great kid who becomes king (his supposed father was king but died, - while he's actually the child of his mother and her brother which is kindof strange) and everybody who watches the show must have noticed how this lovable king is actually hated by his people.. I mean, come on, he wins a war although that small person almost lost it, and still they don't like him. So perhaps, if this king is not loved by his people and I like this king, perhaps slamming stuff into people's faces is ... bad?

Following this strange twist of events I rallied the neural troops and tried to structurize the bizarre data flows in my mind. I'm not only going to write about web development, <for id="web_developers"> that stuff is way too interesting </for><for id="everyone_else"> that stuff is boring </for>. So generally I don't want people who are not interested in a certain topic to have to read through all that nonsense. My first idea were tags, but they're useful aside from the topic of the post. Plus, a tag for a post about a website for tissues could be 'lotion'. This would have nothing to do with the topic itself. So, The Vorpal blog should support different topics, loosely coupled with tags.

Why not both


A simple solution for a simple problem, I'd say. Other mind twists were also thinking about a comment system but I quickly silenced these voices since I do not want to hear the curses and spells my readers are trying to put on me. Just kidding, this is also on the 'possible' list but is future matter of thought.

The requirements list:

  • Posts
  • Topics
  • Tags
  • Rewatch Game of Thrones and try to fathom why the king is not loved

The possible list:1

  • Comments / Contact
  • Stop making bad jokes
  • Adopt a kitten

Oh, I forgot to mention in the beginning of this post that the nudity part of the previous post was actually a bad joke on my part. I hope you didn't go back expecting nudes, there are other places on the interwebz for that kind of fun. Seriously, there are A LOT of other places providing these services. See you next week? / post!

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