The vorpal blog

Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WEB API, HTML5, HTML5 Web worker, SVG, CSS, Javascript, JQuery (manager), Bootstrap (manager), Automapper, Ninject, Entity framework (Code first), RSS

Infrastructure: Azure web site and Azure SQL database

The vorpal blog is a blogging client completely developed by myself. Mainly because I wanted the experience. It's built in 2 bigger projects, the blog itself and a manager for managing and writing blog posts. The vorpal blog.

Parallax test

Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Skrollr.js

Infrastructure: Azure web site

I think everyone has already seen a Parallax website. A parallax can be used to create a feeling of depth in a page and is used in video games a lot. The feeling of depth is achieved by moving layers on the page in different pace. So I created this project for testing purposes (cross-browser, mobile, setup time, ...) Parallax.


Technologies: NancyFX, AngularJS, HTML5, HTML5 localstorage, CSS, Bootstrap (manager)

Infrastructure: Local IIS Express (ftm), HTML5 localstorage

Requestor is a monstrous HTTP request tool. It's an angular website in which you can create HTTP requests and inspect responses. You can also create and manage request collections and keep a request history.


Technologies: NancyFX, JQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS, SquishIt, Azure storage API for .NET

Infrastructure: Local IIS Express (ftm), Azure blob storage, Azure table storage

I made Imagor because my girlfriend and I wanted a central location to keep our photo's. Azure storage is secure and redundant. With Imagor I can create collections of photos, upload photo's, add tags and locations to photos and collections, add metadata to photos, search the library.

The poet

Technologies: NancyFX, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS, SquishIt, Azure storage API for .NET

Infrastructure: Azure web site, Azure table storage

The idea for 'The poet' came a few days after Robin Williams' death. I saw some post on 9gag and was looking for ideas for projects. So I made 'The poet' as a tribute to Robin Williams and his role in dead poets society, the movie of one of his more iconic quotes. The poet.