The Vorpal Game


The user interface

The basic user interface consists of 4 parts. The first part is the menu, you can find it on the top. Use it to navigate the website, or reset the game. The second part is the side panel in the middle to the right. This will show you tips, your inventory, and your armour. The third part is the main panel in the middle to the left. Here, you will see responses to your actions, and everything related to the story. The fourth part is the console panel on the bottom of the page. Here, you can input your commands and submit them using enter, or pressing the button.

When starting the game, these are not yet visible. A chrome is shown instead, covering most of the page. This chrome will also appear on progressing to another phase.

The interface was developed on the most recent browsers and was only tested in Firefox, Chrome and Opera. Internet explorer won't work at this time since flexbox support is limited.


Default actions

These actions can be done no matter what mode.


Tips, inventory and armour

Keep an eye out on the tips on the right hand side of the screen. Especially in the beginning, they can help you advance a lot.

Your inventory will show all items you have. Use these items to progress through the game.

Armour is vanity and serves no function (yet). You can get other armour from the armour merchant, a random encounter.


Story mode

Story mode is when you are advancing through the world. You advance by choosing the right actions or asking the right questions. I understand this isn't always easy or straightforward, but I can tell you, there are different paths you can use to advance. Some of them easier or faster than others.


Rest mode

In Rest mode you set up camp. You also have two options: 'Explore' or 'Continue'. You can see the 'Explore' or 'Continue' links on the bottom of the content pane. You can also access these options by typing and submitting the following actions: 'Explore' or 'Continue'. If you continue, you will advance to the story mode and can continue the game.


When you explore, you explore the area where you set up camp. It's always a good idea to be mindful of your surroundings. You could use the environment or items near you to defeat certain enemies. When exploring, you can find objects or encounter a creature. At each rest point, there are a finite amount of items and monsters.

Most of the time, the objects you find can be used to defeat an enemy. Don't feel bad when you are killed in rest mode. Sometimes, an enemy can't be defeated before obtaining a certain item. Just try again.



Encounter mode is triggered by encountering a creature. Not all creatures you encounter are hostile. Some are friendly or even neutral. Some encounters you can flee from, others, you can't (Try to flee by submitting 'Flee'). It's possible an encounter results in giving or dropping an item.

A hostile creature is set on killing you. You can defeat it by submitting the right actions. These actions can be as simple as 'Kick' or 'Stab'. Or they can be rather specific, you can always try to research your foe when it's a known foe.

A neutral creature can be dealt with by conversing or defeating it in battle.

A friendly creature will try to help you. It's best to try and converse with a friendly creature.

Don't forget to 'look around'. Sometimes items or people from your environment can help you defeat your foe. You can use a campfire or a torch to burn your enemy. But don't be mad if it doesn't work.



Creatures come in all forms and sizes. Almost every creature can be dealt with by submitting the right actions. Most creatures also have weaknesses that can be exploited by using an item.

Each monster also has a certain patience in which it will allow you several turns to think of a succesful action. If a monster has a patience of 1. It will only allow you to try 1 action. If your next action isn't succesful, you will be defeated.
