Written on 8/28/2014 in Web development

The poet part 4 - NancyFx

The poet NancyFx AngularJS

After this, there wasn't anything too complicated or frustating1 left to do.

Nancy modules and views

I set up 2 nancy modules, an API to communicate JSON and a regular module for routing the views:

public class ApiModule : NancyModule
    // Repository does nothing fancy, uses azure storage api for .net to get and post 'veryPairs'
    private readonly ThePoetRepository _repo;

    public ApiModule()
        _repo = new ThePoetRepository();

        Get["/api/very-pair/list/{input}"] = _ => { return GetPossibleVeryPairs(_.input); };
        Get["/api/very-pair/single/{veryWord}"] = _ => { return GetVeryPair(_.veryWord); };
        Post["/api/very-pair"] = _ => { return PostVeryPair(); };

    private dynamic GetVeryPair(string veryWord)
        return Negotiate

    private dynamic GetPossibleVeryPairs(string input)
        return Negotiate

    private dynamic PostVeryPair()
        var veryPair = new VeryPairViewModel();
        _repo.SubmitSuggestion(veryPair.VeryWord, veryPair.BetterWord);
        return Negotiate

public class GetModule : NancyModule
    public GetModule()
        Get["/"] = _ => { return View["index.cshtml"]; };
        Get["/about"] = _ => { return View["about.cshtml"]; };
        Get["/suggest"] = _ => { return View["suggest.cshtml"]; };

And the views:


@inherits Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor.NancyRazorViewBase
    Layout = "_Layout.cshtml";
    ViewBag.Title = "The poet";
<div ng-controller="indexController">
    <h1>The poet</h1>
    <p>Avoid saying:</p>
    <p id="very-text">Very <autocomplete ng-model="veryWordInput" data="veryWords" on-type="updateVeryWords" on-select="getBetterWord" attr-placeholder="tired"></autocomplete></p>
    <p>Rather say:</p>
    <p id="better-text">{{betterWord}}</p>


@inherits Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor.NancyRazorViewBase
    Layout = "_Layout.cshtml";
    ViewBag.Title = "The poet - Suggest a combination";
<div ng-controller="suggestController">
    <h1>The poet</h1>
    <h2>Suggest a combination</h2>
    <p>Avoid saying:</p>
    <p id="very-text">Very <input type="text" placeholder="tired" ng-model="veryWordInput" /></p>
    <p>Rather say:</p>
    <p id="better-text"><input type="text" placeholder="Exhausted" ng-model="betterWordInput" /></p>
    <p><button ng-click="addSuggestion()">Submit</button></p>

AngularJS controllers and service

Again, nothing complicated here, I have 2 controllers for the main page and the suggestion page, a service for making HTTP calls and a directive for autocompleting a text field.



ThePoet.controller('indexController', ['$scope', 'AppHttpService', function ($scope, AppHttpService) {
    $scope.veryWords = [];
    $scope.betterWord = "exhausted";

    $scope.updateVeryWords = function (tempInput) {
        if (tempInput && tempInput.length > 0) {
            AppHttpService.get("/api/very-pair/list/" + tempInput)
            .success(function (data) {
                while ($scope.veryWords.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    if (data[i].veryWord === tempInput) {

    $scope.getBetterWord = function (tempInput) {
        AppHttpService.get("/api/very-pair/single/" + tempInput)
            .success(function (data) {
                $scope.betterWord = data.betterWord;


ThePoet.controller('suggestController', ['$scope', 'AppHttpService', function ($scope, AppHttpService) {

    $scope.addSuggestion = function () {
        if ($scope.veryWordInput && $scope.betterWordInput && $scope.veryWordInput.length > 3 && $scope.betterWordInput.length > 3) {
            AppHttpService.post("/api/very-pair", { veryWord: $scope.veryWordInput, betterWord: $scope.betterWordInput })
            .success(function () {
                $scope.feedbackType = "success";
                $scope.feedbackMessage = "Your suggestion was added!";

                $scope.veryWordInput = "";
                $scope.betterWordInput = "";
            }).error(function () {
                $scope.feedbackType = "error";
                $scope.feedbackMessage = "Snap, Something went wrong! You could try again, but I can't promise it will work.. :(";
        } else {
            $scope.feedbackType = "error";
            $scope.feedbackMessage = "The suggestion was not added because it is too short";


ThePoet.service('AppHttpService', ['$http', function ($http) {
    this.basePath = "/ThePoet"
    this.loading = { counter: 0 };

    this.get = function (url) {
        var loading = this.loading;
        var promise = $http.get(this.basePath + url, {
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            dataType: 'json'

            .success(function () {
            .error(function () {

        return promise;

    this.post = function (url, data) {
        var loading = this.loading;
        var promise = $http.post(this.basePath + url, data, {
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            dataType: 'json'

            .success(function () {
            .error(function () {

        return promise;


Autocomplete: Autocomplete

Deploying to an existing azure website

I deployed the website on the existing website for my blog. So I created a virtual directory using the project properties. I changed the url's to reflect the correct path to '/ThePoet/...' and added the configuration for SquishIt. Then make sure you add a virtual directory to the azure website as described here. In the publish profile, you have to change the following:

Publishing to a virtual directory

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